Thursday, January 14, 2016


Causes testicular atrophy in men
Causes testicular atrophy in men
Testicular atrophy

Testicular atrophy is a medical condition in which smaller testicles and that are members of the breeding male, which leads to loss of function atrophy is responsible for sperm production, which secrete sex hormone in men which is called the hormone testosterone, and testicular atrophy variety of reasons you will learn in this topic

Causes testicular atrophy in men

Stop blood flow Bal_khasip: because of illness or surgery cause testicular atrophy

Chemical treatments: catch some of the people who are being treated by chemical treatments testicular atrophy

Female hormones: Eat some drugs and medications containing female hormones caused testicular atrophy

Age: some men get testicular atrophy because of age

Virus: cause a viral infection such as mumps virus and acquired immune deficiency virus in testicular atrophy

Sexually transmitted diseases: may be caused by testicular atrophy by diseases transmitted by unprotected sexual practices such as gonorrhea and syphilis disease

Infection: might happen to some of the men atrophy of the testes in case of injury or exposure to strong shock

Sports doping: may cause eating some sports doping, especially in bodybuilding for testicular atrophy

Testicular atrophy may lead to infertility in some cases


About MARTYRE1987

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