Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Varicocele and harmful to the sexual health of men

Varicocele and harmful to the sexual health of men

Varicocele and harmful to the sexual health of men

Varicocele is one of the diseases and injuries exploit the reproductive and sexual Men's Health, and is an expansion of abnormal veins in the scrotum and which supplies its member blood and stretching of the abdominal cavity through the inguinal canal as part of the spermatic cord, varicocele is one of the causes of infertility male, varicocele occur with 15% of men and result in infertility in about 40%, which is only usually appear in the left testicle in 60% to 90% of infected men, and in the testes together in about 30% to 50%, according to recent studies, in this topic we will learn about the impact of varicocele on sexual health for men and methods of medical treatment

The effect of varicocele on sexual health for men and methods of medical treatment

Damages varicocele

The presence of varicose veins may be combined with hormonal changes including the decline in the concentration of testosterone and a defect in the secretion of pituitary hormones Almgesh testicular

The recession high amount of blood in the varicose veins around the testicle may cause a lack of oxygen in the testicular tissue, leading to disabled

Increase the blood in the veins around the testicle bloated excess temperature inside, which affect the function of Trustees testicular temperature lower than body temperature and the temperature increase caused an imbalance in the function of the testis

An imbalance in "to Adg" cells responsible for the secretion of the male hormone is important for the function insemination

This damage caused by varicocele reasons that may be directly in dysfunction insemination carried out by the testis and as a result may cause infertility in men

Medical treatments for varicocele

Some cases of varicose veins can be pharmacological treatment experience with it in the beginning

Use of certain medications for blood flow naturally without reflux of testicular

Use of medicines that help equation degree testicular temperature

Vitamins zinc fertility to activate

 Some drugs that regulate blood flow in the body and testicles

All these thing for taking drugs after consulting your doctor and undergo tests to determine the type of medication depending on the health status of the patient

Surgical treatment

And are linking the surgery and cut the bloated veins sperm surgically or lock Bouchmh or other materials to prevent blood back toward the testicle through them, without prejudice to the spermatic artery or lymphatic vessels and its neighboring Ooualemltsqh them, what makes accurate surgery and may result in complications as spare seminal artery


About MARTYRE1987

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