Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Types and methods of treatment of hemorrhoids
treatment of hemorrhoids

Treatment of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are receptacles bloody swollen in the anal canal, its role will help to control the stool, but when it swells or become inflamed in this case called a hemorrhoid, internal hemorrhoids usually do not cause bleeding anally painful, while external hemorrhoids may result in some of the symptoms Pain be great with inflation in the anus area, and arise hemorrhoids result for the pool of blood in an abnormal manner and unusual in the veins of the anal area, and thus the walls of blood venous not bear that case, start lying down, bloating, making them painful, particularly when you sit in this topic you will learn about the types of hemorrhoids and methods of treatment

Types and methods of treatment of hemorrhoids

Types of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are divided into two types of internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids

Accompanied by internal bleeding hemorrhoids with stool red light in color and does not cause pain, during or after the output process, including internal hemorrhoids symptoms in some cases mucous secretions or block around the anus may hang from the anus or itching or stool leakage

External hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids cause some health problems if it is not Mtaktherh If the Mtaktherh be very painful hemorrhoids, if the hemorrhoids are large and cause problems in hygiene, it has lead to the surrounding skin inflammation and then itching around the anus as skin growths remain after healing

Methods of treatment of hemorrhoids

Physical Therapy

Treatment usually consists of rich nutrition dietary fiber and fluid intake by mouth to maintain hydration, and taking NSAIDs should not be used for more than 14 days because it may cause thinning of the skin is also recommended modifying the diet or taking fiber supplements

Medical treatments

It is possible to implement a number of things easier in the doctor's office

Tying a rubber band it is usually recommended as a first line treatment in patients with tumors, and it is put elastic bands on the internal hemorrhoids at an altitude of at least 1 cm above the dentate line to cut off the blood supply them

Treatment Sclerotherapy involves the injection of sclerosing factor, such as phenol within the hemorrhoid, causing it to collapse and wilting hemorrhoids

Ironing operations used effectively for the treatment of hemorrhoids, but they are usually used only when other methods fail, and are ironing using the ironing electric, infrared, and laser surgery, cryotherapy or ironing

Surgical treatment
treatment of hemorrhoids
There are several surgical techniques can be used

Eradicate hemorrhoids is surgical removal of hemorrhoids asylum to him and are mainly in severe cases only

Use of ultrasound Doppler it October hemorrhoids removed through the anus and is considered less surgical intervention possible

Install hemorrhoids Baltdbes works to remove a lot of the tissues of hemorrhoids abnormally bloated, followed by re-positioning the remaining hemorrhoidal tissue back in place


About MARTYRE1987

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