Monday, February 8, 2016


Causes of infertility in men
Causes of infertility in men

 Male infertility

Infertility in men is the inability of a man to achieve pregnancy in a fertile woman's ability, reports indicate that this situation constitutes between 40 and 50% of cases of male infertility The shortcomings of the semen and sperm quality are the causes of infertility, but 23% of cases of infertility remain unknown reasons, in this topic you will learn about the most important causes of infertility in men

Causes of infertility in men

  A defect in the sperm's ability to vaccination may be due to :

Defect in the seminal fluid produced by the prostate gland and sperm, such as lack of fructose

There was some deficiency in the semen, such as the weakness of the sperm. Or be a sperm or very few quantitative and weak

The viscosity of semen in excess of normal

The presence of sperm for a long time in the plasma of semen

Lack of enzymes, Takihat sperm, zinc deficiency in plasma, a lack of material for the movement of sperm or lack of use of sperm her animals, deformation of sperm membrane, disorder in calcium work, lack of Albaakrbunat necessary for the movement of sperm or the presence of an abnormal ratio of prostaglandins, or Albaakrbunat

 Reasons of testicles :

Lack of testicles

Varicocele in this case show a swollen veins around the epididymis, injury Baldoual may reduce sperm production or affect the quality of

Injury severe inflammation of the testicles, leading to damage to the testicles

 Congenital factors, including the :

 IMMUNE SYSTEM: some immune diseases, such as the presence of antibodies to the sperm when the man either Aoualemroh

 Congenital obstruction in the seminal vesicles

 Congenital malformation or malfunction of the epididymis

Congenital malformation of the penis form

Congenital malformation in the presence of seminal fluid exit hole where it can be in a non-natural place

Reverse ejaculation or retrograde ejaculation happens when semen, which is usually ejaculation through the urethra is redirected to the urinary bladder

 Related causes inflammation :

Severe infections, leading to thickening and blockage in the epididymis

Inflammatory Bahoislat sperm

Inflammatory Balbroustat

 Satisfactory factors or bacterial infections such as

Transmitted diseases (STDs) such as gonorrhea and syphilis

Testicular cancer and testicular injury poignant injuries and diseases such as chronic kidney disease and foot and microbial

High blood pressure may spoil the blood vessels in the penis so that less degree aroused,

Nerve injury, spinal cord injury, pelvic fracture, a work of surgery Hodo diabetes, prostate surgery, bladder neck surgery, the expansion of the urine channel

Bacteria and germs that could infect the genital tract, including staph, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, trachoma, anaerobes, Chlamydia

Obesity, which may make it difficult in the process of sexual intercourse, as clogged arteries, the lack of full erection of the penis works

 Reasons for having intercourse :

Defect in sexual intercourse

Not to get sexual intercourse at the appropriate times for pregnancy

Not get an erection due to several reasons, including psychological reasons related to the nervous system or defect in the blood vessels or because of the abuse of certain drugs

Use ointments in the process of sexual intercourse spermicidal

 Added to these reasons, other factors lead to male infertility :

Exposure to some chemicals used in factories such as lead and mercury, which affects the amount of sperm production and weaken

Chemical treatments for cancers

Smoking: so that smokers with testicular varicose be a percentage of their produce sperm less five times compared to non-smokers

 Wearing tight underwear and strong exposure to the heat for a long time leads to a lack of sperm count

Taking certain drugs such as spironolactone, cyclosporine, colchicine, allopurinol, spironolactone, drugs, and alcohol Kalmarajoina especially if used in large quantities, they slow down sperm production

Each of these reasons the appropriate treatment, which would be our subject next


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