Thursday, April 14, 2016


Ways to deal with Alzheimer's patients


Ways to deal with Alzheimer's patients

As it has been the subject of earlier known Alzheimer's disease, and as we pointed out earlier, this will be our topic about ways to deal with Alzheimer's patients, where we will give the most important tips and ways to deal with Alzheimer's patients, and without prolonging Snturkkm with these tips

 Ways to deal with Alzheimer's patients

Speak with Alzheimer's patients calm and clear voice user simple sentences and short words do not form a complex understanding

Visit the patient and corresponds to his children and close friends, but is not recommended for frequent visits to people who do not know them very well and with whom he strong relationship as  visit young children elderly patient with Alzheimer's disease because he likes to see the children, be visits by short relatives until the patient does not get tired mentally

Sunset syndrome occurs in the sunset where the confused patient with Alzheimer's disease dramatically at this time, must be keeping the patient and patting on the shoulder and tell him that now the time sundown  today Doe, served dinner so that they are ahead of sundown, should be home lighting in a good way, to tell the patient in advance of sundown by alarm clocks

Daily routine ongoing program mode starts in the morning and ends with evening and varies from day to day, helping to calm the patient

Take care of the person with dementia, especially in the advanced stages when there becomes a physical and emotional disabilities, and changes in his character is one of the things the hard and tiring for anyone, even if it was in good health

The patient is not isolated away from people so afraid that people Leroux patient with Alzheimer's disease but must welcomes visitors within certain limits

Talk to help the patient. When someone comes to deliver it he prefers to tell him that this son of so and so came to greet you or the neighbor so and so came to greet you

Use the writing and writing marks a clear line on the things which pertain to the patient such as a telephone, a clock, alarm clock and places of keeping important papers and so on

Preferably placed the name, address and telephone number of the patient with him in his pocket in the form of a card or in his wallet, because the patient, you may come out of his home and then lost and can not return has to go to dangerous places

You are interested in your own help the person with dementia must gain proficiency of rest and sleep until you your job well


About MARTYRE1987

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