Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Lemon benefits for the body

Lemon benefits for the body

Benefits of lemon

Lemon one of the types of fruit sour taste, appetite odor, imparts a wonderful flavor to the food, described as a cure for many diseases, and Lemon is a rich source of nutrients and is used in the first place juice, but the peels and pulp also be used, as extracted from the peels of lemon oil, and enters lemon juice in a lot of purposes and its value Foods makes a range of benefits for the body

Lemon benefits for the body

Lemon of the stomach

 It can help lemon to ease digestion problems, so when you drink it hot, as can be done to relieve symptoms such as, nausea, indigestion, bloating, and will this hot drink abdomen helps to feel comfortable if handled regularly, also helps to regulate the output of the stomach more efficiently

Immune system health

 Lemon juice rich in vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system and fight colds and flu

 Lemon skin

  Can Lemon plays a big role in maintaining healthy skin, where we find almost the common denominator in many of the topical treatments for the skin, it is rich in vitamin C, which is working on the production of collagen, citric acid found Lemon works to get rid of acne and blisters face and whitened skin and remover of stains the face

Lemon with water in the slimming

 One of the most important benefits of the lemon is that it paves the way to reduce weight faster, where normal human nutrition experts say need to drink about a quarter of a liter of water lemon a day to keep your body, but if you are obese and want to lose weight, you should drink about half a liter a day of water Lemon

Lemon benefits for the body

Increasing energy

 Lemon water provides you with energy and improve the mood in the beginning of the day

Brain function

 It contains a high proportion of potassium and magnesium, which have effects on the brain and useful nerves

Lemon Hair

 Lemon benefits not only for the body to take it up, but also can be used outside. It advised using lemon juice to prevent hair loss and clean, its content is rich in vitamin C and citric acid.

Lemon fights cancer

Antioxidant substances found in lemon not only operates protect the skin from aging, but also reduce the risk of several types of cancer

Lemon for cold

 Lemon is known for months as one of the treatments for colds and flu, sore throat, cough, which has a very high content of vitamin C, and can be lemon provides about 80% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C


About MARTYRE1987

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